With great success at Oslo Concert Hall in 2023 with over 400 registered singers, artists, conductors, and bands from both Norway and abroad, we are excited to announce "Gospelfest 2024 - Norway"!

From March 8th to March 10th, 2024, we invite you to Oslo.

You will meet conductors as Bazil Meade (UK), Aril Schøld (NO), Tim Uffindell (UK), Ragnhild Hiis Ånestad (NO) and Leif Ingvald Skaug (NO). We will practise all weekend and have great fellowship.

More surprises are in store, and we hope you are ready to join!

We guarantee you an amazing experience - at least as good as last year - with participants from both Norway and abroad. You don't want to miss this



Programme Gospelfest 2024



6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Workshop, including a short break


9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Workshops
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch (you can purchase a delicious lunch on-site)
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Workshops
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Break
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Workshops
Optional dinner for the singers. More info to come.


10:30 AM - 1:00 PM Workshops
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Workshops
4:00 PM - Break
5:00 PM Closing workshop and mini concert
7:00 PM Finish

In addition, this will be the first festival where the Skjærgårdsgospel Foundation is involved as an organizer, becoming a part of their fantastic festival offerings such as Skjærgårds Music & Mission and Skjærgårdssang, among others.

Not only that, Gospel Explosion Norway will be the Norwegian partner with Creative Kirche, Europe's leading organizer of large gospel choir experiences. This festival in Norway will be the first in a series of collaborations among several European entities. We hope to be able to welcome more international guests this weekend as well.

We have reserved all available rooms at Quality Hotel Expo on Fornebu, with special rates per night: NOK 1195 for a single room and NOK 1395 for a double room!

Hotel Expo, Fornebu; Special price 1195NOK per night. But only a few rooms left: Email to q.expo@strawberry.no or call +47 67 11 70 00 with booking code BK-00455. 


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