Mass Choir Weekend with Ricky Dillard in OSLO 6th - 8th of March 2026

Ricky Dillard (US) - the Choirmaster is coming to Norway for the first time.

Join the mass choir and be inspired 6th -8th of March 2026 at in Oslo.

You dont need to be a part of a choir to join. Everyone is welcome to be a part of this amazing experience.

Ricky Dillard brings with him 3+ singers and his music Director to make this weekend exceptional for you.

We will practise Friday and Saturday, and finish off with a fantastic concert on Sunday evening, where we invite friends, family and music lovers to join in the crowd. In addition to Ricky and his team, Leif Ingvald Skaug will also inspire and conduct. And of course; our fantastic band will be a part of this weekend as well!

Here are the times:


1830-2145 - Rehearsal


1100-1400 - Rehearsal

1400-1500 - Lunch break (you can bring your own food, or order from us)

1500-1800 - Rehearsal


1300-1500 - Rehearsal

1500-1600 - Break - food (you can bring your own food, or order from us)

1600-1800 - Rehearsal, soundcheck and preparation for concert

1800-1900 - Break; preparation for concert

1900-2030 - CONCERT. 

2100 - goodbyes and going home

PLEASE BRING FRIENDS AND FAMILY to this once in a lifetime experience with one of the best choir directors in gospel music!

... did we mention that he is nominated for 7 Stellar Awards this year? 

Here are some videos with Ricky Dillard if you want to be inspired:






Vi deler inn koret hovedsaklig i 3 stemmegrupper:
Sopran/Melodi – De som alltid synger melodien i hver sang (lysest)
Alt – Litt dypere (2. Stemme damer)
Tenor – (mannestemmen) / vi håper også at noen av damene med dyp røst vil synge tenor

(Basser er også velkommen, men vi har stort sett kun 1 herrestemme)

Du velger selv hvilken stemmegruppe du vil tilhøre (vi hjelper deg å finne rett om du er usikker), men forbeholder oss retten til å justere litt dersom det er litt ubalanse ifht antall per stemme.

Aldersgrense: Må fylle 16 år i løpet av året. (Anbefalt fra 18 år og oppover)

Du vil få tilsendt tilgang på WE ARE VOICE, som gir deg tilgang på alt du trenger når du øver!
Har du spørsmål, kontakt Leif Ingvald Skaug på eller ring 4013 4444

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